The JOAT Show

Do you work too much?!

March 21, 2024 John Landry Season 1 Episode 6

Thanks for tuning in! Today I talk about if it's EVEN possible to work too much!

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00:00:00 Speaker 1

It's an unofficial fact that every employee in the bar industry gets sick after the Mardi Gras stretch. Between being by hundreds and thousands of people. That's not an exaggeration.

00:00:13 Speaker 1

And then beating the **** out of your body. non-stop for almost 100 hours.

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It's almost unavoidable.

00:00:42 Speaker 1

What's going on, guys? It's John. The JOAT and welcome back to The JOAT Show where I share my experiences and stories and multiple career fields.

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So look, today we're talking about people who work too damn much.

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First off, is that even a thing?

00:01:00 Speaker 1

What do you consider working too much? Is it working a certain amount of hours per week? Is it going without enough time to do the things outside of work, like recreational stuff or family time? Maybe it means working 7 plus jobs in seven different industries, like somebody that I know.

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Me personally.

00:01:22 Speaker 1

I don't think you can work too much, I really don't.

00:01:26 Speaker 1

But I do believe that you can be overworked. You see, there's a difference. Some people will tell you there isn't, but to me, there's a big.


00:01:37Speaker 1

Difference overworked people?

00:01:39Speaker 1

Or often underappreciated, their working for an employer. And these are those loyal employees. I'm talking to the people who arrive early. They stay late, they're on a salary, and they're likely not getting any overtime and may they may have benefits just barely.

00:01:59Speaker 1

Worth getting out of ******* bed that day when I was managing at the bar on Bourbon Street, I was overworked 50 hours plus overnight is draining on the body. I know that there's some industries where, yes, you work overnight. You work more hours than that overnight after working all night sometimes.

00:02:18Speaker 1

I would have to get up, wake up at a, quote UN quote normal time for a person, which is what, 7:00. Sometimes, you know, if you're sleeping in late, it's 8:00. Now for me, if I sleep till 7:00, I'm sleeping in. But I would have to do that just to get normal stuff done. And I'm talking things like.

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Grocery shopping.

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Errands. Everything else that I would have to do before I would go back to work that evening. Now, look.

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Don't get me started on Mardi Gras work hours. OK, I think throughout the last stretch of Mardi Gras during 2020, right before the pandemic hit.

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I worked a total of 96 hours in a seven day stretch.

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Now I say A7 day stretch because it wasn't a Sunday through Saturday. It was like a Wednesday through Wednesday type of thing. So if you do the math.

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That left me an average of 10 hours and 20 minutes per day to sleep.

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Eat and shower.

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And get stuff done like errands and spend time with the family. Let's say that I would get around six hours of sleep, you know, on a good day. So let's say I would get in bed for 7:30 AM.

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00:03:34Speaker 1

I'd sleep till about 1:30 AM now. Keep in mind.

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7:30 AM everybody else is getting up. Needless to say, I was ******* wiped. It's an unofficial fact that every employee in the bar industry gets sick after the Mardi Gras stretch between being by hundreds and thousands of people. That's not an exaggeration. And then beating the **** out of your body. non-stop.

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For almost 100 hours.

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It's almost unavoidable. I would lose out on time with family because they were on that regular type of schedule. Often times they would be getting home from school or work and I would be walking out of the door to go back to work. It's just mentally taxing at that point.

00:04:17Speaker 1

Hey, guys, it's John. The joke. Did you know that you can help support this?

00:04:21Speaker 1

Last, by joining us on Patreon, that's right. Super low membership cost. I'm talking under $5.00. So what does it get you? What does being a joke, a certified joke, gets you on Patreon with the joke joke? Well, let me tell you, it gets you bonus content, it gets you bonus.

00:04:41Speaker 1

Episodes in the best part, those episodes are all video, so you get to look at us, you get the laugh at us.

00:04:49Speaker 1

If I have a guest on, we do bonus episodes. It's called the podcast after the podcast where we talk about things that we didn't talk about on the show, we it's not topic driven, it's more of a conversation.

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00:05:05Speaker 1

It's amazing. I look forward to seeing you there become a certified joke today. Remember when we were growing up and people around our lives were always like you can be whatever you want to be.

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In this life.

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Most of the time this is said by adults who, frankly, have forgotten that mindset, which is always kind of funny most of the time this is said to kids by adults who don't even believe the ******** they're telling them, or they've forgotten that they too can be whatever they want.

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Here's what they don't tell you. Who says you can only be one thing?

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That went through my mind forever ago when I first tried to make my photography full time and it didn't work out. I started looking into other professions, IE real estate.

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Naturally, I was thinking ****.

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I have to choose one to focus on, right?

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So I did, and real estate was the focus. Then it clicked.

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Why can't I do both? Why can't I do both professionally?

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There's no rule against having more than one career.

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Then it started.

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I picked up working side gigs for extra money in between the times where photography bookings were slow and I was still getting my feet wet in real estate. Then some of those side gigs became regular part time gigs.

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So then it started. I picked up working side gigs for extra money in between the timeframes where real estate bookings were slow.

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And I was still trying to get my feet wet in the real estate industry. Eventually some of those side gigs became regular part time gigs, which tacked on to the already busy schedule of photography and real estate.

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Then then I started helping out at the local high school as a long term substitute teacher.

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And if you don't know what a long term substitute teacher is, you have substitutes and they go in and they sit there and they're basically a glorified babysitter. Let's be real, they're just making sure the kids don't wreck **** while the teacher's.

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Not there that day.

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They might have some work to hand out and you know, odds are kids aren't going to do it. But as a long-term substitute your teaching, so this is normally when somebody has to take an extended leave due to medical reasoning or personal reasoning, whatever it is, they're taking longer than a few days. They're taking weeks, they're taking months.

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Think about maternity leave. When a teacher grows out of maternity leave, they have to find a long term substitute, and that's a substitute. Who's going to come in? Teach the class as if it were their own class. So I started doing that, then to already add on to my hectic.

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Schedule I decided, what if I went back to school to complete my bachelor's program in graphic design. Now here's the thing. I don't have time to sit in a classroom.

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Especially now. So online classes just seem like the best bet. I figured it would help me hone in on my design skills, open another stream of income because we love another stream of income and could potentially be a main source in later years after I graduate.

00:08:23Speaker 1

Today's episode is brought to you by Bayou Battlegrounds Spring into action, with Bayou Battlegrounds as the flowers bloom and the sun shines brighter. It's time to level up your springtime festivities. Why settle for the ordinary when you can turn your event into an extraordinary nerf battle with Bayou Battlegrounds, we offer fun for all ages adults.

00:08:44Speaker 1

Kids team building. Do you have a birthday party?

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00:08:48Speaker 1

Up. Maybe you have a corporate get together.

00:08:50Speaker 1

What about team building activities? A bridal party Bachelorette party? Go to to book today. So do I work a lot? In theory? Yeah, of course I do.

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I work every day, all day.

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Last night I was giving her last night I was giving a photography quote for a couples boudoir session at 11:30 at night.

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Here's the difference. I'm at home.

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I'm working for myself.

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If I want to take a moment to unwind, I can. If I need to go to the soccer game, I can and I don't have to worry about asking somebody if I can have the day off because I can choose it. I have more jobs and situations going on and I feel like I worked less than I did, clocking in for somebody else, even though.

00:09:46Speaker 1

Even though.

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If you calculate the time that I spend marketing, communicating and such IW work way more now than when I worked 50 plus hours a week. Remember people telling you if you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life ********. You'll work alright. As a matter of fact, if you love what you do, you'll work.

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Harder than anyone else.



00:10:11Speaker 1

I say choose your level of heart, OK? It's it's a no brainer. You can work your literal life away, get your paycheck, pay your bills, go through the process week after week every year and there's nothing wrong with that. Some people choose to be like that. That's OK. There's nothing wrong with that. It's a choice.

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Unless you're me.

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I refuse to do that anymore. So yes, I work a lot and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Talk to you soon